About US
Our teachers take pride in being experts in their fields and grooming the students to achievable standards. Ongoing forums on teaching challenges are organized for teachers to keep abreast with the latest in education. Every student is discussed at informal meetings to understand them better and facilitate their learning process.
We offer an international-level learning platform of Cambridge Standards, emphasising English proficiency, strengthened with confidence-building, leadership and public speaking coaching, all of which also form the core of our curriculum.
All our learning activities encourage students to successfully move forward in the pursuit of excellence, allowing them to capitalise on their individual talents in a stable and secure learning environment. Above all, we strive to prepare them for the 21ˢᵗ century workforce.
Empower students to reach their potential
Create a vibrant learning space
Nurture critical thinking, creativity, and ethics
Shape compassionate, adaptable global citizens
At Ardence International Secondary School student enjoys the best parts of school life. Experiential learning comes by way of friendship across different nationalities and cultures through shared activities and interests. From athletic and artistic pursuits to cutting edge robotics, we ensure that learning is of a collaborative and fun filled nature, with an acutely specific personal development pathway for every child. Parents are also encouraged to participate in the spirit of comradeship, and to contribute to the community.
Provide a transformative educational experience
Nurture holistic development
Promote lifelong learning
Foster a sense of global responsibility

We embrace diversity, value continuous improvement, and empower students to excel academically, socially, and personally in our evolving world